Sunday, December 14, 2008

309th Squadron Christmas Party

We went to the squadron Christmas party this last Saturday, and actually got to see Santa in a jet??? Sydney argued with me all the way to the party and said he would be arriving by sled. I had to tell her that sometimes he makes special appearances before the big day! The kids had a great time, you can tell by Luke's face, that says it all! Sydney is starting to get a little suspicious about the whole Santa thing, but Luke is still in the wonderment stage!!!!

Kindergarten Snow Show

Sydney had her little Christmas program at school this last week. They were so cute singing their songs, and Luke was equally as cute cheering his big sister on in the crowd! He was extremely loud with his clapping and cheering for her, everyone could hear him!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas picture outtakes!

Every year I stress about getting that "just right" picture for our Christmas card. Anyone with kids knows how stressful it is! This year, I just tried to keep it low key and it actually didn't go half bad. The winner for the card (if you didn't get a card from us), was the top picture. Sydney was in quite the posing mood that day, and Luke was just being himself!!!

Luke, pre-school, and the bus!!!

Luke is now attending pre-school here in Arizona. Fortunately for us, they start pre-school at 3 here in the public schools. The best part, it's free!!! He loves it, but I think his favorite part is riding the bus everyday! I never in a million years would have thought, that I would put my 3 year old on a bus?? Of course with Sydney, it was an absolute "no!" But, with both schools starting at 9:00AM, and the opposite end of town, it really made sense for me to do it. He rides by himself on the way to school, and has a few other pre-schoolers on the way home. There's an aide on the bus, as well as the driver, and they have seat belts. So, Luke rides the bus! Just to see him jump up and down every morning and smile from ear to ear, is worth it!

A Pink Tree???????

Okay people, this is not really what I expected to get for our tree this year, but when you're TDY, you do what you gotta do! I really wanted the white one, but only the pink ones were on sale, of course! So, I figure Sydney will get to have her pink tree in her room every year. Ugh!!

Fred made it to Arizona!!!!

We are so glad that Fred found his way to Arizona this year! Sydney always gets a little worried when we travel, so she always draws us a little map of where we are going. This year since we traveled so far and she was worried Fred wouldn't find her, she started in Texas, then Oklahoma, Arizona, and she even drew Korea on there too. Kinda even looks like the shape of Korea if you look close?? Anyway, our tradition continues with Fred the elf in Arizona! I'm so glad that mommy and daddy didn't forget to pack Fred for the trip!!