Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Party Suits....

O my goodness!! I didn't think I was going to blog about our lovely party suits, but I think there's some curious folks back at home that wanted to see what they looked like. I had an earlier blog that showed David's lovely red jump suit, so this is mine to match!! This is a die hard fighter squadron, rich in history. I'm not sure how many years the party suits go back, but the Fiends and Fiendettes are one crazy group. The Fiendettes have a naming just like the guys, well, maybe not quite as crazy as the Fiends, but lots of fun. My naming was last Friday, so, one crazy story and more pictures to follow....


The Kernea Family said...

Look at you, you look wonderful! I love it! Sounds like you are having a great time!

Kristy Phillips said...

Franny, you're looking HOT, girl! Soooooo funny! :)