Thursday, June 11, 2009

We're coming to America!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and a fini flight)

Okay, these pictures don't have anything to do with going home, but I thought I would share them anyway! I am BEYOND excited to go home and get off the ROK for awhile! The kids and I will be leaving the end of this month till the middle of August. David will be gone for 5 weeks to Alaska, so it's a good time for us to go soak up the U.S and spend time with family. The pictures are from David's boss's fini flight today. The kids thought the plane taxiing in was pretty cool, and when Houdini got sprayed down with the hose. Sydney didn't want to wear her ear plugs, she told me she wanted to hear the engine????? I told her I already ruined her ears once at Spangdahlem for her daddy's fini-flight, so I wasn't going to let it happen again!! We hope we get a chance to see everybody back in the States!!!! HARRUMPH!!!

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